Health Care

Harstad Strategic Research years of research experience in the health care and medical arena, including dozens of surveys and focus groups among doctors, patients, caregivers, parents, and seniors.  In addition to focus groups among physicians, we have successfully conducted executive-type interviews among hard-to-reach doctors.

The leading objective of the survey research (and of our clients) has been public service campaigns aimed at educating the public on the need for and efficacy of prevention – such as accidental injuries, malnutrition among seniors, tobacco use among teens, family planning to reduce unwanted pregnancies, harmful effects from exposure to second hand smoke, and indoor public smoking, etc.

Another common theme in many of our surveys has been improving the delivery of health care services, such as through efficiencies that both improve access to medical care and reduce cost.  Other research has focused upon expanding and improving medical facilities and medical research.

Some of the health-related clients for whom Harstad Strategic Research has worked over the years include: